My goals for 2018

Hello there!

I think everyone has realized it is almost 2018! In my opinion 2017 has been one of the shortest years since 2000. Actually… Every year seems to be the shortest one. Do you have that feeling as well? At least I do, but let me know in the comments📝!

As you might have seen, I changed the layout of my blogposts a bit. This is also a part of the changes on my blog. The subjects will be the exact same, but I will pay more attention to my content. In previous posts, the text has been really short, although you did not mind💙.

In 2018 my blogposts will be a little bit longer, like this blogpost and the two before this one. The subjects of my blog will be devided in two categories: inner beauty or outer beauty:

In the middle of these pictures you can find the subject. You can also find the subject more specified in the title of the blog.

I have also changed my Dutch slogan into an English slogan that really fits my blog. I changed my slogan because I wanted my blog to contain real and serious information. If people would search for blogpost ideas online and they found my blog, they have to be amazed and feel comfortable to stay a little bit longer and to actually read the blogposts. Hopefully they would click on some others as well… How much fun would that be!

In my opinion it is always important to improve your blog. It doesn’t matter if your blog contains serious content or just some fun thoughts, but looking at your own blog could really help you to realize if your blogposts are unique enough. I am currently trying to figure that out.

Other goals for 2018 are to get my diplome and to graduate from school! O yeah! I also want to work in a little parfume shop. That would be the most amazing job in the world, because I really love make-up, beauty and parfume.

I will also audition at my balletschool to become a teacher for the younger kids and hopefully also to become a balletteacher for older ages. Ballet is besides beauty my biggest passion: I can talk hours about it. I would love to give the passion to little kids as well⭐.

I also want to start a youtube channel (MaBeautility) and I hope to manage to get my own domain ( At the moment I don’t mind, but when I have more serious content, I think it would be really important. When I have my owm domain I will also be able to earn a little bit with my blog, because thanks to all my lovely and awesome readers I have around 150 unique visitors a day and around 200 views a day. When I upload more than one article a day the numbers are even higher! It really makes me happy to see that you like my posts😊.

My last goal for 2018 is to get a few collaborations with other bloggers or little companies or people who would like to collaborate with me. That would be so much fun!

Thanks for reading this post! If you have some tips or ideas for my blog I would love it if you would leave it in the comments💙.


30 gedachten over “My goals for 2018

  1. Hoe ouder je word, hoe meer je het gevoel krijgt dat de jaren sneller voorbij gaan of korter zijn, maar jij bent nog zo jong, dus laat het nog lang duren… 😉 Ik hoop dat je al je doelen bereikt voor 2018 en wens je alvast veel succes! Hoe staat het ondertussen met je plannen voor een eigen YouTube kanaal?
    Lieve groetjes, Heidi

    Geliked door 1 persoon

  2. Awesome blog! I’ve followed & I’m new here & would love if you checked out my blog, and followed if you liked what you read! Thanks so much! Rachel

    Geliked door 1 persoon

  3. El tiempo corre, también lo he sentido, se ha ido como exhalación, lo atribuyo a mi edad. ” si alguién estuviere sentado en una brazas, el tiempo se le haría muy largo, si estuviere sentado en las piernas de una mujer, se le haría corto. Debieron suceder cosas bellas. Abrazo y feliz año nuevo

    Geliked door 2 people

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